Author: Alice Schertle
Illustrator: Jill McElmurry
Ages: 3-5 years

Little Blue Truck is a great story about how showing compassion and maintaining friendships is beneficial for all. Little Blue Truck says hello (Beep! Beep!) to everyone while he is out and about. Dump Truck comes through and doesn’t say hello to anyone, and he is rude and pushy. When he gets stuck in the mud, no one wants to help him. No one, that is, until Little Blue Truck comes to offer assistance!

When Little Blue Truck gets stuck helping Dump Truck, all his animal friends spring into action!

Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle inner page
Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle inner page

I really like the artwork in this book. I love seeing the brush strokes and the creamy colors; it looks like it a lot of effort went into the designs.

Little Blue Truck is important for kids (and adults) to read because it explains in a relatable way why everyone working together is important. Children like the creative characters (I especially like the scene where it’s raining and the animals stand underneath each other to use one another as an umbrella) and grown-ups will like the steadfast messaging of the power of teamwork.