Author: Jared Chapman
Age: 2-5 years

Vegetables in Underwear is a fantastic potty training book that is still fun to read with slightly older kids. It doesn’t have to do with actual potty training so much as the discussion of underwear.

Vegetables in Underwear by Jared Chapman inner page
Vegetables in Underwear by Jared Chapman inner page

I like the varied vegetables used in the illustrations for this book. The graphics are cute and the undies are colorful. I like that for the most part the text is simple so older kids who are starting to read would probably be able to handle this book on their own. There is also a lot of oppositional phrasing (big/little, dirty/clean) that is helpful to see in illustrated form.

Kids will like Vegetables in Underwear because of all of the silly underwear! (I personally love the little pea who goes streaking.) Adults will like this book because it eases a child into wanting to ditch the diapers and go for the big kid underwear.